Title / Position
First Name*
Last Name*
Dietary Restrictions
Choose one option. Please note: Golfers will not be able to take part in an afternoon tour.
Don’t sign me up for an activity
Golfing – fees apply ($150.00)
Horseback Riding – fees apply ($50.00)
Choose one option. Tours leave from the Jasper Park Lodge at 1:00 PM.
Don’t sign me up for a tour
Tour: Jasper’s Waste & Recycling Program and Waste Water Treatment Plant
Tour: Jasper Planetarium – fees apply ($30.00)
Tour: Jasper… A Walk in the Past
Your own attendance to the banquet is included in your delegate registration fee. If you plan to bring one or more guest(s) to the Thursday evening banquet & entertainment, please purchase an extra banquet ticket for each guest ($85/person)
Select an option... No extra banquet tickets required Purchase 1 extra banquet ticket ($85.00) Purchase 2 extra banquet tickets ($170.00) Purchase 3 extra banquet tickets ($255.00) Purchase 4 extra banquet tickets ($340.00)